Report harassment from the PETA-Z group

Estoy buscando la manera de contactar con la persona adecuada y encargada en Zwift que gestione este tipo de denuncias, por favor si alguien puede indicarme a quien, o a donde debo escribir, se lo agradezco.

I am looking for a way to contact the appropriate and responsible person in Zwift who handles these types of complaints, please if someone can tell me to whom, or where I should write, I appreciate it.

You can flag/report people using the companion app.

I know the form ZwiftPower Reporting and Appealing was in use at a time. Not sure if it is the preferred way anymore.

Thanks for the help, but the harassment goes beyond a simple career and I don’t know where to write to warn of these bad practices that this group does.

Why don’t we tag @shooj on this.


What happened?



I guess I don’t know how to use this info.

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Ok, I found the Peta Z group on Facebook but it’s all Spanish.
Still don’t know what happened.

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Buenas, @Estefania_Ambruster:

Soy Luizao, de PETA-Z. Si me comentas qué ha pasado, tal vez podamos solucionar el problema. Puedes contactar conmigo por privado si lo prefieres. Espero que nadie haya mostrado ninguna actitud negativa contigo. Hacemos todo lo posible por promover una comunidad sana y lamentaríamos profundamente si algún miembro de la misma hubiera actuado inadecuadamente en nombre del equipo.

Saludos y espero tu respuesta.


Hello Luizao, unfortunately the abuses and bad behavior are of the people who manage the group so my solution is to put this problem in the hands of Zwift so that measures can be taken because this is a great serious problem that affects integrity and privacy. I am willing to provide conversations as evidence of bullying. Zwift is a great tool for training and having fun it is a shame to the community that these things are done.

Hello @Estefania_Ambruster

Our Support Hub article describes the reporting feature, and is available in Spanish as well.

Please use these steps to take your report offline. We do not discuss these matters in public to respect the privacy of everyone involved. I am locking this conversation at this point.Thank you.