I’ve just been accepted into Zwift beta.
I’m in the market for a new laptop, my turbo setup is in the garage so my PC is too far away. I’m just waiting for my Ant+ dongle to be delivered so i have a few days to buy a laptop.
I’m particularly interested on best Core processor for running Zwift and best Graphics card.
Many thanks
If you go here: http://zwift.com/what-is-it
And scroll down to click supported platforms they have a list of suggested hardware.
I’m running a dell xps laptop and meet the middle of the road specs and haven’t had any trouble running Zwift.
I absolutely love my Surface Pro 3 (best consumer device I’ve ever owned, at least for my own usage patterns). I use it with one of these:
(Couldn’t go wrong for $6 :)).
I have some software that uses ANT+ (like Zwift) and some that uses Bluetooth LE. I have the two dongles plugged into that USB hub and just plug it into my Surface before I start a workout.
I can also project Zwift to a large screen via Miracast. Oh, and it plays music to a Bose Bluetooth speaker at the same time.
I have the i7 version and it’s a screamer.
Very happy with this combination.
I have an Asus ROG laptop (from 2013 I think) which runs Zwift quite well. All the latest ROG laptops far exceed it.
my Dell XPS 15 i7 seems to work fine - not the highest quality graphics card but it’s glitch free
Bought a HP envy, it’s got i7 core and Nvidia GeForce GT840M graphics card. Hope that will be good enough.
Still waiting for my Garmin stick to arrive