Question: Tour of Watopia Double XP

If completing a new route for the first time as part of Tour of Watopia, is one supposed to receive some type of bonus or double XP for the route badge in addition to the double XP per mile/km OR double XP per mile/km only?

I completed Tour of Fire and Ice route yesterday for the first time through the Tour of Watopia and only received the standard route badge XP according to the route completion screenshot.

This is my first Tour of Watopia. Thanks in advance!

That experience is in line with past ToWs. Double XP is granted only for distance XP but not for route completion XPs.


Well. That’s disappointing.

You get double XP for the distance + a terminal bonus [for first time completion of the route] that is basically equal to the XP for the course. That’s TRIPLE XP on a course. Still disappointed? I’ll take that.