Would it be possible to distinguish between Powermeters(eg. Stages) and powermeters in a smart trainer? Currently in the app it just shows “powermeter”. It is slowly becoming a serious bone of contention in the zwift races. People on real powermeters and others on powermeters within smart trainers. Some smart trainers register as smart trainer only and some have the option to be smart trainer or powermeter(as in the PM inside the smart trainer). Would be nice to have 4 groups, powermeters, powermeters(smart trainer), smart trainer and zpower. We all know many smart trainers dont calibrate perfectly or that accurately and can often over-read, This creates issues in zwift races and have seen many a case where riders on smart trainers are just pushing ridiculous watts but classed as “powermeter”. And they truly believe they can do those wattages. Currently KISS races separate PM(true and smart trainer) and smart trainer and zpower out. Just need the powermeters sub-divided so we can see the powermeter with strain gauages differentiated from smart trainer PMs. You are developing a race module and this issue will grow as racing develops in Zwift. Martin
And we’ll just keep this to ONE post in ONE area.
Link to other post: https://support.zwift.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/205863576-Differentiate-powermeter-and-smart-trainer-powermeters-in-Zwift-app