Pairing with cycleops 400pro

I am unable to pair my cycleops 400pro with a joulegps with zwift. It looks like from reading previous posts that this has been a problem in the past. Should I be able to pair my device with zwift? If so, what is the trick?

Hi Joe,

The Cycleops Pro 400 isn’t officially supported by Zwift. It will pair as a power meter, but it broadcasts data on a proprietary channel so we don’t have access to controlling it. We are working with Cycleops on implementing support for the indoor cycles but don’t have an ETA on when this will happen.

Hi. Is there any update on this or when the cycleops 400 pro may be supported? Thanks

Any update on the 400 Pro?  I connected as a power meter, but that’s about it.  Would be awesome if it was supported.  Thanks