Pacer route achievement

I like to use the robo pacers to complete a route achievement (yes it is possible). However if you drop in just after the start line you need to do almost two laps to get the achievement which can be pretty tiring. It would be nice to have a feature where you could set a reminder when the pacerbot and route of your choice is say 5km from the start line so you have time to get prepped and join just before the start. Alternatively it could be nice to make it with pacer bots that the route achievement is calculated as long as you achieve a full lap regardless of where you started.

To this point it would also be nice to have more pacer bots on different length circuits. Sometimes Miguel or Bernie are only doing 24k length circuits or 7k when I fancy 12k at their pace. Also more variation in the routes so we can achieve more route achievements using the Pacers. Thanks!