Easiest would be riding 3 zwift climbing frames but I don’t know which bikes qualify as climbing frame, second easiest ride zwift tt frames (but there is only one), most time consuming ride 3 entry level zwift road frames and upgrade these frames to level 5. You could probably do it in a few weeks if you have the drops (which is my biggest limiter as I am broke at almost level 47)
See the posts earlier with the classifications.
Back in the olden days, we called them ATB - all-terrain bikes - as often as not.
I don’t think they’ve ever been used that much to ride up mountains*. Down them and across them, maybe.
*other than for the purpose of riding back down them quickly, at least
They could have made the goals for the MTB “descending meters”, people would still have to climb to get the descents.
Nah, just “Ride with” someone at the top of AdZ.
Or you could do as some people do, pay for two accounts - one stays at top of ADZ and the other account just joins one at the top endlessly.
You could do 100km ride with hardly any effort.
I don’t know if that would be frowned upon or considered genius.
(post deleted by author)
how does one stay at the top of the alpe?
~5Km of descent from Jungle pens.
Log in on a device you don’t turn off. Zwift won’t time out a session, as far as I recall.
2nd device and account using ant+ simulator to get to the top of the alp
Laps of the Jungle Circuit of course.
The only descents I don’t hate are zwift descents…seriously the worst part of a climb is having to go down again
Only 91 1/2 laps to fully upgrade it!
Looking at the latest frame and wheel assessments by ZI, I find myself wondering if it is really worth the time and effort to try and upgrade my Tron bike
Without upgrades, the SL8 with 7.8 wheels. (Or possibly 454’s) Are as good or better than the Tron.
How much better will a tricked out Tron bike be compared to a tricked out SL8?
The Dogma 2024 was the best all around , and it’s still good, but the new frame seems better.
Each year, it seems the performance of the Tron has slipped.
Maxed out Tron and maxed out SL8 will end up in the same place relative to where they are now. The play is to max out your SL8 first and then get working on the Tron just for fun, or a slight edge in flatter races. By the time you get your Tron fully upgraded there’ll probably be a new better-than-Tron bike anyway.
The Dogma looks better so I’m sticking with it. Besides if I lose I can say the other rider had a better bike.
Yes, it’s convenient in Zwift and IRL when it’s applicable, to blame any sub-par showing vs others on how much was ‘paid’ performance.

I don’t think they’ve ever been used that much to ride up mountains
They are definitely used by many people for climbing here in Austria!

I already own the Tron bike and I have tens of millions of drops. What is the easiest/cheapest way to fully upgrade it (assuming that I am willing to invest all my drops)? Bullet point list, please.
I posted this as a targeted “Upgrade the Tron bike” threads, hoping to attract people who wanted to optimize the route towards a fully upgraded Tron bike for a specialized nerdy discussion. The moderators decided in their infinite wisdom to merge it into a general thread they had posted themselves about the feature, where it is being drowned out. Raising the call again for anyone to crunch the numbers and present us with the most efficient path.