Sorry if this has been asked before but I can’t find anything that answers this specific question. The answer doesn’t really matter either way but I’m curious anyway.
Currently have a Kickr Core with Click and Cog, so virtual shifting. I have a MTB attached and works pretty well. In theory, does this mean the possible raw watts or w/kg output could be same as using a road bike? At the end of the day it’s now just a frame with a chain on it… So in my pea brain I’m assuming it should be similar to a road bike. I guess the geometry would be different but it wouldn’t make that much of a difference would it (at least at a beginner level)? I guess I’m curious as to whether this setup puts me at a significant disadvantage in races.
Lastly a quick bit of background, which isn’t really relevant but I’m anticipating some questions and other comments. I’m a complete beginner to Zwift, and cycling for that matter. I wanted to supplement a lot of other weights exercise I do and I’ve fallen a bit out of love with running. So I bought a Kickr Core with Cog as a bit of a Christmas present to myself. I have an MTB which has been stuck in the shed for years unused so that’s what I’m using. I don’t really have any interest in riding outside, nor do I ever anticipate reaching, or really want to reach, a high race score. Furthermore I can’t see me wanting to ride mammoth distances, I’ll be sticking to 50km and less (more of a time thing than anything). Anyway, I’m just curious how a MTB in this scenario would perform against a more suitable road bike frame.