I’m looking for support to move the “My Garage” function to the Companion App - to save us having to ride to access this feature.
There is already a few Feature Request for this, make sure you vote them up.
I would also like to see it on my.zwift.com.
It would be great to be able to browse bikes/tyres/kit etc on the Companion app while riding. Even being able to change bikes from the Companion app? Would make switching during a ride much easier.
Seems clumsy having to start a ride to swap bikes or check which routes you’re yet to complete. How about being able to do that from the companion app?
Be great to be able to access the garage amd drop shop from the companion app. I find it difficult using the Apple TV remote as its way too sensitive
It seems odd that I have to enter the game to know what routes I have done and to swap gear from the garage. Is there not a way to add that to the Companion app? Would make the app actually useful.
At the very least an authenticated API so we could write our own.
That is supposedly being addressed and will come out in a future update.