Miss some Data (06.09.2021 - 05.11.2022)

Hi Guys,
I want to check how many km I made with my trainer I bought in August 21, but I have noticed that a lot of data is missing or not available.
Is it possible to restore this data? I didn’t delete anything. I checked in Strava and Garmin, yes there have been a lot activities in this period!
Regards Rainer

Any chance you are logged into Zwift on more than one device? That’s the most common cause of lost activities or progress. If not, contact support. There’s probably nothing they can do to get the data back but possibly they can identify something wrong.

Hi Paul, yes I logged in with my I Pad and another PC as well but not with different account.

If you log in using the same account on two devices, that can cause lost rides, XP, levels, bikes, drops, etc.

If you go into Garmin, and filter your activities for indoor rides from the date you started using the new trainer you should be able to check the millage that way

Hi Martin, this is what I did to figure out the missmatch!
I can see some of the fit. data on my I pad, I miss. But how to get them back to general visibility?

I found now all the missed fit.data on my 2. PC in the Zwift folder and on I pad in Zwiftfolder as well, but how to upload them to Zwiftpower?

Sorry I can’t help you with retrieving the missing fit.data to ZwiftPower.

But I have a question which you might be able to help me with - does any or all of this missing data appear within your ‘Activities’ tab on ZwiftPower.

I can use ZwiftPower Activities to total up distance, elevation, heart beat, cadence power etc averages but this is only any use to you if all the data appears in Activities.

Hi Ian, I hope I got you, but no missing data( Activities on Zwift) appears in Zwift power, I found all the missed Data in the temp folder on my PC and I pad.
I believe the main reason, like Paul mentioned, is that I used in the time 09.21 up to 11.22 an aditional PC and on business trips the I Pad. And it seems this data, why ever are not saved in ZP.
Yes I know how to use ZP I sometimes I compare my dual recordings as well to see how accurate trainer and PM are working.

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