Men in women’s races

Why are men signing up for women’s-only events?

Take, for example, the Zipp High Desert Speed Challenge: in the majority of time slots offered for this race, men have signed up for the women’s-only “B” category. Apparently, this form of cheating has been identified as a recurring issue in Zwift, so I’m wondering if anything is being done to eliminate it? I understand measures are in place to ensure that men who’ve raced in the women’s category are stripped of any prizes they may have “won”, but that’s not my main problem. For me, it’s the fact they’re even allowed to race with the women at all.

If I’m racing (I’m using the term loosely for myself here, since I’m a newbie and can sustain a hard effort for only very short intervals), I find it frustrating and discouraging to see men lined up for a women’s-only race. Can’t a script be written - some kind of code - that kicks them out of the race at the starting line? Something that screens for gender, identifies anomalies, and rejects them before the race even begins?

If you look at the companion app you will see men can’t select the B group. But some men change there gender to enter the woman’s race, don’t ask me why.

I agree there should be a check if you change your gender more then twice a month you get blocked and have to contact zwift via a support ticket.


Twice a month?!? What possible legitimate reason could there be for that?


One reason I can think of for men entering a women’s only category is the distance suits them. Take the TT event that’s happening today. The women’s B event is 48 km. The open A event is 55 and the C event is 23km. 48km may suit some guys. I’m doing the 23km event as going full tilt for 55km is too much suffering.

I was thinking if guy want to have his wife/daughter test Zwift or if it is an honest mistake.

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Wait, what? But it’s a WOMEN’s ONLY race, not a “pick your favourite distance-race”. So, as you did, if the A-distance is too far, then they can choose the C event.

My question was rather rhetorical, as I don’t believe there’s any reason that would justify a male entering an all-women’s race.


First we had weight doping, next was height doping. Now we have gender doping!!

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I noticed the same thing in the makeup ride for a tour of Watopia - volcano circuit. I signed up for the B group and most of the 14 riders were men.

I noticed the same thing, Gillian. I contacted Zwift last week about it and they told me there was a known glitch in the system that was allowing men to sign up for the “B” events in Stage 2.

Happened again today with the make-up for Stage 7. Only 16 riders in the B group (women only) and most were men!

Well, I know of a few friends who share their account w/their wives. Thus, on occasion the wives will change the gender and enter a female only race. I do not see a problem with this.

Curious, how are you identifying the “men” who have lined up for a women’s only race?


How am I identifying them?

  1. I look at the list of riders signed up for a women’s only event
  2. I look through the names and pictures
  3. I notice the profile picture is that of a male
  4. When I click on the profile, it says “male”

They ride super fast, so I don’t think they were wives using hubby’s accounts.

Hi Gillian,
I would think that there will be many Lady Zwifters out there who are capable
of whooping their other halfs butt. (Cycling I mean).
“Ride On”

I find having women only general events to be rather non-inclusive and sexist. I can perhaps understand it when in it is race that is associated coated with an actual prize or sponsorship. I am not particularly race fit myself, due to my age and health issues and some of the C or D class events branded as women’s event would suit me well. Furthermore, if the more challenging A class event was branded as “Men Only” then there would be an absolute outcry. And that’s not even getting into modern thinking on Gender fluidity.


I am new to zwift, I’m a man and I’m slow don’t want to do more than 30min and the only 30min steady ride today is a women’s ride so I’ve joined it! It’s only a computer generated steady ride… I think there would be a stink if there was a mens only group! Fact is most of the lady’s in this ride I will struggle to keep up with. I think it should be about abilities not gender imo


Would you join a children’s race because you would struggle to keep up with them anyway?

I would have thought most men would have more pride than that, but obviously not…

I’m a woman and I don’t enter women’s races because:

  1. There is more participation in the mixed races, so more drafting opportunities
  2. Men are generally bigger so produce bigger draft
  3. I would rather know I am racing men than suspect I am.

I agree this is stupid but lets also ban anyone with GD zwift power from races. They should have their own funny power races and courses (and z power riders still are able to get jerseys. Huh?)

Didn’t Zwift recently lock down gender and age so you cant change it anymore, earlier this year?

Edit: the companion app doesn’t let you change gender or age, however if you go to the website it appears you can still go back and forth between male and female. This makes no sense, why would one be locked and the other not?


I was wondering that too. Maybe it is an oversight on zwift’s part?

If women are riding in women’s group rides then there’s a reason, and it isn’t to ride with men. Leave them alone. I assume It comes across as very creepy to women.