Hello all,
I’m having a few issues with my setup as I can’t get my max power above 383 watts.
Before you tell me to pedal harder, I recently changed my chainring to a 58t to try and deal with this. My reasoning was that I was doing most of my riding in the lowest gear on the old 50-11t set up because the resistance on the bluematic is only set to 3 (as per the setup guide when I add the trainer to zwift). If I add more resistance to the trainer it’ll mess up my stats on zwift, so I figured the best solution would be to increase the ring size so that spin the wheel faster and so generate more power.
On the original set-up, I was hitting 383 watts at around 115 rpm cadence.
The new setup allows me to hit 383 watts at 100rpm, but if I increase my cadence up to 120 the power figure actually drops by 3-4 watts.
Is this just a limitation of riding on a dumb trainer with a speed sensor? is the sensor struggling to pick up the speed because the back wheel is spinning at 65-70kph at this point?