With more and more riders on Zwift the event default for organisers should be culled so that only the riders in the event are shown. The request should be not to be culled.
I don’t agree with that. A lot of races would be very lonely affairs.
For example, a race may only get 30 riders. Let’s say I’m in group C with 8 other people. Before too long I’ll probably be off the back, and riding solo. It’s welcome to see other people on the road, even if they’re not in the race.
Of course this already happens with races being able to use worlds that aren’t currently scheduled, but I don’t think it should be the default on that day’s world.
Race and ride organizers generally choose this based on what makes sense throughout the year. As field sizes get larger you will see more separation of pens and what you describe here. For group rides the benefit of showing only event riders is that it is a bit easier to see what is happening but the downside is that it feels especially un-social if you get dropped from the ride. For that reason most group rides show other riders on course.
Agree with this one. Too many times riders in lower CAT’s just go all out at the start and catch on to a higher group, then they don’t have to do much work the whole rest of the race. I would love to race only the people in your CAT, so it would be a more realistic race as opposed to a sprint start and a draft.
I’m sure those people are better than me anyway, but would be nice to at least try to counter some moves.
If Group Rides and racing riders would not show it would improve the in world experience. The worlds are just 2 stuffed and i don’t understand why Zwift cannot see that and doesn’t do anything about it. As a matter of fact they release new worlds with way less roads which makes it even worse.