Make fence notices persistent

Yesterday I joined a group ride (World Social Riders) with the fence feature enabled.

No problem there. It was the first time I’d ridden with the fence, but I knew to stay behind it.

I was comfortably mid-pack, a little ahead of the ride leader, when I started clicking other riders in order to give Ride Ons.

I spent maybe a minute or two giving out Ride Ons, but once I clicked “Back to me” I found I had been ejected from the ride.

The problem here is that when clicking on another rider you see their view and their data. So I lost track of my own power and speed. I’m not sure whether I went past the fence, or dropped too far off the back. It’s really a bad experience to be dropped from a ride because I was busy giving out Ride Ons to other people in the ride.

So I think warnings about being removed from a ride should be displayed even if I’m not actually looking at my own view.

A klaxon would be nice too.