Hi there, I’m enjoying l’Etape du Tour for now more than a month, thanks for the great training schedule. What about my FTP? My general fitness level has likely improved, should I redo the FTP test at regular interval or leave it as it was at the beginning of the early base training?
You might consider doing an FTP Ramp test between each of the month long training phases.
Zwift tries to auto-update your FTP as your training progresses, but a regular formal test is a good idea.
The L’étape du tour workouts should be reasonably challenging, if they are not pushing you…you can do one at anytime (it would be best to be somewhat rested to get the most accurate results).
I really like the Ramp test over a 20 minute effort, the results are much more repeatable.
Ride On
Ok thanks, will try to do the test.