Leader jersey on achievement page


I would like to see the feature on the achievement page where you can see a total of how many times you have conquered a Leader Jerseys.
Hilly Loop
Zwift KOM
Jungle loop
Box Hill

and all reverse segments
(and if possible, when introducing this feature, please have it ‘backtesting’ :slight_smile:

And in adidion, your best time of that segment.

These are only 2 examples, there is so much you can do on this matter.

Looking forward to it!

Agreed! It’s very disappointing to make the effort and then see the Leader Jersey forever disappear, like tears in the rain :cry:

But it should only count jerseys taken on the scheduled world.

I once got the Alpe du Zwift yeti jersey. But there were only three of us on the leader board. Snatching a jersey because there were only 2 other people on the course isn’t much of an achievement. :smiley:

Yes indeed. Hacking yourself into a world should not count :slight_smile:

Besides if Zwift is counting the leader jersey PB (from first day at Zwift) should be valid as well.

Why? For the reason I stated before. =) There’s no achievement in gaming the system and taking a jersey because you switched world and were the only person riding a reverse lap. :wink:

I’ve no idea if they’ve retained all the historical data as to who got which jersey and when. I know you can see it in recent activities on the Companion app, but if you go back several months it says the activity isn’t available. So I think it’s quite possible they haven’t been keeping records for the past 3 or 4 years.