Lack of race options!

If the only options is a 2 hour race people are going to give other platforms a try.

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Isn’t that route only 44km/27 miles? Hardly 2 hours, especially at race pace.

If you fat, old and slow like I.

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Which time zone are you in? I would have expected at least a few other options over that span of time. Have you tried resetting the event search filters?

That looks like West Coast US.
The first event showing would be 0310 UTC

Looks like a legit problem then. Presumably any community events around these times were purged since it’s a very unpopular race time so field sizes are poor. (Screenshot times are shifted 3 hours to US EDT)

Anyway @TJ_Walsh I recommend posting on the Zwift Racers group on Facebook if you want to improve the odds of any response.

Can’t be stressed enough that it is ridiculous Zwift has a forum, yet it is ignores by their own employees that rather communicate through… Facebook (and apparently at times Reddit). So despite offering something, forums, which is a perfect means to communicate with your own customers they want their customers to sign up to different platforms to be able to engage with them.

Who can describe this better than qualifying it as stupid? There are better terms for this that describe this better.


Its understandable that zwift culled a lot of poorly attended races. But would it be foolish to allow an extra event or two at peak times in its core market areas? There are enough clubs to divvy up 5-6 slots daily and could just give priority by club size. Clubs could be encouraged to do routes that are different to the live Zracing event (so in this instance a shorter flatter race).

Its a tricky balance, for sure.

If that is the case, then they got a bigger problem. They eliminated the other races but looking at the fields of the current one almost all fields under 10 riders most under 5, some are riding alone, they are moving towards a death spiral.

They need to revisit what they were doing well when they had many riders and what they are doing wrong.