Kurt Kinetic: Zpower vs Inride

My setup is currently a Kurt Kinetic with Garmin GSC10 for Speed/Cadence, Ant+ Dongle on Windows PC. I use the Zwift Mobile Link on an Android (Sony Xperia). On Zwift, I use the Zpower option.

I am looking for recommendations as to whether I should install the InRide or not. My primary goal would be to get away from the Zpower to have better accuracy and also to compete in Zwift events that don’t accept Zpower riders.

I have read through many InRide threads and am not convinced this is a stable and worthwhile change. Any thoughts or suggestions as to whether I should stick with Zpower or switch to InRide?


PS. I know a good response is to purchase a PM or Smart Trainer but unfortunately my budget doesn’t allow for this right now.



Both Zpower and Inride do a similar thing in that they calculate your power given the current speed of the roller drum, but the Inride has one significant advantage.  With that you can use the Kinetic Fit app on iOS or Android to calibrate how tightly the roller drum should contact the wheel.  This, along with pumping up your tire to around 100 psi, gives pretty good results.  

I haven’t compared with Zpower but I have compared my Inride with a PowerTap and they are impressively tight.  I would say they are within 2% most of the time and rarely further apart than 5%, most notably during sudden accelerations.  I think on balance you would be more accurate and certainly more consistent with the Inride.

Hi Duane,

Thanks for your feedback - this is very useful.

I noticed the updated version of Zwift states they no longer list things like Cyclops Powercal as a PM, so I am now wondering whether the Inride has also been delisted since it’s not a “true” PM.

I will submit a support ticket to Zwift to check.

I still see the lightning bolt for the Inride during Zwift.  I would dare say it is as real as most power meters in use though.

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Awesome thanks Duane…FYI, I also received notice from Zwift support that InRide is shown as a Power Meter so this should accomplish what I am looking for.
