Kid account

I want to create a kid account for my 12 years old son.
Unfortunately the link that I found zwift,com/kids does not work for me (“we hit a snag”).
Is there another site where to apply for the kid account?
Thank you!

Yeah it appears to be broken. I suggest contacting support.

Cc @joules

Hello @Radler welcome to Zwift forums.

At this time, we are no longer accepting consent form requests for U16 child accounts. We appreciate this news will be disappointing but we hope that your child can find alternate ways to continue pursuing the joys of riding a bike.

Very disappointing :worried:


I’ve just had exactly the same response.
The page needs updating.

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That is sad :frowning:


Sad. I just set up my kids’ bike on a old trainer so my girls could imitate their mom.

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You can technically still set up an account, you would just need to pay the subscription fee.

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Thx Oliver,
The thing is, that there is a minimum weight of 45kg for adults (if I am informed right).
He only has 28kg :frowning:

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The weight limit was removed a couple years back. Should be able to accurately set your child’s weight.

So just to clarify: Users under 16 years of age can no longer create a Zwift account?

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Very disappointing. Will existing accounts continue to exist?

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The are currently no changes to existing accounts. The program is being reviewed but any future changes impacting existing members will be communicated in advance.


Hopefully this means family/household accounts are coming


How do you envisage this helping everyone?


Very disappointed not only are zwift no longer accepting sign ups so my 14 year old can’t get on. They haven’t updated the splash with a simple statement that had me running around tring to find out how till i found this post.


Yeah they should really post something about it on the page to avoid wasting peoples time. It looked like a bug to me since it apparently just broke and they said nothing until people started asking for help.

Appropriate video by @Oliver_ZRace_Central


I received notice last night one of my kid’s U16 accounts was reaching the end of the free trial. I emailed last night and they renewed my kids free U16 memberships this morning!


Thank you Oliver,
I created a new account yesterday (for a 16 years old person).
During registration I had to set the weight to minimum 40kg.
However it was possible to reduce the weight later in the users profile.
Of course this is a regular account, with the regular monthly fee :frowning:

This is very disappointing. We just purchased a trainer for our 13-year-old son to ride indoors, but he can’t even create an account. I hope Zwift comes up with an alternative plan for kids to ride inside. We live in an area where my son can’t go ride on his own, and having this as an option when we can’t go outside and ride with him would be great. So bum to have missed the deadline by 14 days.