It looks like the latest Zwift Companion App update has introduced a kcal logging error with Apple Fitness/Health on iOS17 beta 8. It’s possibly logging cal but is actually logging kcal. The ZCA is reporting the correct kcal while Apple Fitness/Health is showing a value 1000 times this value.
Thank you for flagging up the Calorie vs kCal discrepancy. We’re on it.
Good Morning,
I have used Companion App and Apple Watch 8 to track HR and calorie burn.
I have noticed the Calories burned on zwift are not matching Apple Health, but recently it seems that one of the new updates has replaced a “.” with a “,” So instead of the 453 or 454 calories I burned this morning, Health is reporting 453,928. I’m assuming this is a programing issue on exported data?
Is there a way to get Apple Health to take the actual calorie burn from Zwift as I am riding with HR and power meter so this number is correct, not Apple’s estimate.
Thank you
Apparently there’s been some coding confusion, but it’s being looked at on Zwift’s side as a known issue:
To be fair to the programmers, this was an error waiting to happen, thanks to the unhelpful use of the terms ‘Calorie’ and ‘calorie’ to mean two different things (1 Calorie = 1 kilocalorie or 1000 calories), which dates back to the 19th century.
[Edit: If my response looks slightly out of place here, it’s because the above question and it were both were merged into the referred-to thread after the fact, for tidiness’ sake.]
It seems this bug has been resolved with the latest ZCA update 3.50.1. Can @shooj confirm?
Yes, this was a quick one to solve, and it is in Companion app v3.50.1 for iOS
I am still having this problem as of 13 September CEST