Hey Zwift Runners, We Hear You Loud and CLEAR!

The running course I would like to see is the greatest 10k event in the US, no the world or possibly the universe. The Bolder Boulder. Running through beautiful Boulder colorado with thousands of cheering fans and ending in CU stadium.

Thank you, works great now and know the fix😃

Zwift running has really helped me get in great shape despite a horribly cold and snowy winter. Here are my requests thus far:

  1. If using a Runn sensor or something that can detect incline, record the actual incline not the course incline. Or at least give the option.
  2. Show live segments and their live results/PRs like you do already for biking. This would make runs far more interesting and entertaining.
  3. Offer races just like you do for biking.
  4. When running change biking related messages to run related. Ride on to run on and other menus.