Hey Zwift Runners, We Hear You Loud and CLEAR!

It’s been a week since my posting about the status of controlling the incline of smart treadmills. So far crickets. Not feeling the love here.

As I mentioned up top, we hear all the feature requests and are looking at a bunch of ways to make the experience more immersive, including treadmill control. In addition to addressing tons of running specific concerns and requests (and continuing to improve our cycling platform), the challenge with controlling treadmills is that most of the units in market today don’t have compatible Bluetooth. Bearing in mind that the product refresh cycle for treadmills is 3-5 years, incline control is something we’re likely to do but not currently being worked on.

Hope this helps.


Ok, fair enough. Thanks for the update!

I’m just surprised you didn’t ask about Zwift skiing :slight_smile:

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What about swimming?

Unlikely for the foreseeable future. Very small addressable market, no good display/UI solution, and very little tech that would allow us to deliver a content experience.

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I know that, just thought I would ask the question and get an answer from someone at Zwift.

I have seen it asked a few times on the forums.

You mean rowing, right? :smiley:

I’m fairly certain that is coming someday (Zoon).

Oh dude, if you only knew my provenance in the industry. But best to just remain a nameless client. For now. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You can always DM me :slight_smile:

Hey Mike, I enjoyed my first couple of treadmill sessions on Zwift, but could you get the incline to show larger or in a different location?

Treadmill running at the gym I have to use my phone and the display for the incline is too small to really see as I’m not stationary.



I heard Mike’s podcast on Zwiftcast and just wanted to say that I have really enjoyed Zwift running and actually bought a treadmill just so that I could do it. I am not an athlete or racer in either running or cycling but I do both recreationally to try to stay active for my mental and physical health. Unfortunately, I live in the snowy north and can’t get outside much in the winter (as much because of the short days as the snow) and every year have tried mostly unsuccessfully to develop an indoor exercise regimen. I discovered Zwift this winter to use with my bike trainer and loved it so much I bought a simple treadmill so I can alternate biking with running (or walking on rest days.) I mostly appreciate the immersive feel of the program that allows me to forget I am in my basement. Every morning I get up and say, “Where will I run/bike today?” and after two months of daily use, I still look forward to my exercise session. As you said in your podcast, running is not as “fun” in Zwift as cycling but frankly, I don’t think running in real life is as much “fun” as cycling so that doesn’t bother me at all. It has enough scenery, variety of routes, and opportunities for people watching that it keeps me interested while I get my runs in. I may not be your target market given that I’m older and not using Zwift for rigorous training, but thought I would share my appreciation of what you are providing. Thanks for making my winter enjoyable!

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This is one of those things that sounds simple but requires looking at a much bigger picture (literally AND figuratively!). Mobile game UI is definitely tough to see when you’re running and unfortunately, I can’t tell you when it’s going to get better.

Love hearing about your experience.

One Zwift for all!

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Thank you for this feedback opportunity.
As a 66 year old triathlete I would appreciate shorter distance options for the ZA 2020 run workouts.
My knees are complaining after 8 or 9 Kim’s.
Lastly, any chance of making the HUD and Nearby rider displays easier to read? White numbers on pastel backgrounds are a challenge.
Many thanks, “run on” from frozen Canada!

someone has developed a hack for ifit treadmills that can control incline (and speed, but that could be a safety issue) from a device connected to your home network (my phone and computer both worked, i tested it) , so the tech is definitely there for zwift to send real time incline data to my treadmill and have it change as the road does…as far as i see it, zwift running races could be as big as cycling races IF elevation can be controlled…otherwise some joker just sits at zero incline and max speed while everyone else is trying to match correct incline

And Chris, what treadmill model/series/year are you using, I’m wondering. Thanks!

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Can you provide info on this? I would love to get this going on my ifit enabled TM.

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someone on a different web board paid a programmer acquaintance to write a simple program that connected to the IP address of the treadmill . i’ll post the info below. since he paid for it to be developed, he asked for a small $ (not sure exactly how much) for use of it. if you’re interested in that i will get back to him and say there are others, maybe he can recoup his investment