Hi there, I’m having the worst time using the events filter in the companion app. The cycling filter say “include in results” BUT (for example) if I check “Women” “D” “E” “Racing Score” “Tour of Watopia” and “Group Ride” the app only shows me Tour of Watopia rides. If I check I the same but uncheck “Tour of Watopia” and leave “Group Ride” checked it still only shows me Tour of Watopia rides. If I check ONLY “D” and “Group Rides” it says NO EVENTS SCHEDULED FOR TODAY.
It seems like the “include” is actually “must have only” (what you checked) or if you check “women” plus “D” the right must have both women and D to show - it would show D events plus women’s events.
If I check only “D” and “Group Ride” - I again get NO EVENTS SCHEDULED - I think it is looking for D ONLY events - not include any group rides that have a D category.
So checking something seems to mean “AND” not “include” - meaning if check more than one thing BOTH those conditions seem to need to be met for something to show.
Can anyone explain if there is a bug with event filtering in the companion app OR how to use the filters correctly.
It’s almost like I need to check everything to have anything show up.
Thank you all SO MUCH - really frustrated