Many modern games are multi-monitor aware and provide a setting that allows the user to select which monitor the game will run on. For instance, I have a dual monitor setup with a TV connected as a 3rd monitor for when I ride Zwift. Currently I have to drag the Zwift window over to the TV every time I want to ride. This isn’t a horrible chore by any means, but it would be very handy to allow the user to select which monitor Zwift will run on.
For Mac useres -
For Windows -
Patrick, that’s not what I’m looking for. I don’t want to continually change the primary display from my monitors to the TV and back. That’s not a good solution. It’d be much easier to be able to start Zwift and have it show up on the configured monitor, which in this case is actually the TV.
It’d be easier to just have the game remember which monitor to use for rendering to so, for example, when my wife hops on the trainer she can start Zwift and have it show up on the TV instead of my monitor. I’m not sure which engine Zwift uses or if it is a custom engine, but it is relatively simple to set which monitor the D3D device renders to.
As an alternative solution I’ve mirrored my primary display to the TV and just left the 2nd monitor as extended. That forces me to work on the 2nd monitor but allows my wife to start the necessary programs (TR, Zwift, Netflix, etc) and not have to drag windows all over the place while still allowing me to work on the 2nd monitor.
For the amount of times we’re on my workstation at the same time, this is probably sufficient enough solution.
This should help:
- Open the Zwift application using whichever icon you use to launch it (I recommend ZwiftApp.exe _not _ZwiftLauncher.exe).
- Resize the window so that it is not maximized or minimized. This means you can’t run it in “Fullscreen” mode.
- Move the window to the monitor you want it to open on by default. In Windows, you can do this with the WinKey + arrow keys to move it around from desktop to desktop.
- Close out of Zwift. Do not resize the app window prior to closing.
- Open Zwift again (ZwiftApp.exe). It should now open on the monitor you just chose to leave it on before closing last.
- Maximize the window and size it to fit your needs on that monitor.
The application will now open on this monitor by default. If you want to change it to another monitor, just follow steps 1-6 again.