Game Update 1.72 [August 2024]

I did the Neokyo All-Nighter route as a banded Meetup this morning and decided to re-enable Steering (despite my intuition), and it threw me to the centerline like it had been doing for a very long time (KICKR BIKE V1). I adjusted my position in the pack and then disconnected the steering device.

The last two Zwift updates are soooo laggy on Androidā€¦ The update process used to take less than 2 minutes in past but the last two were more like 15+ minutes and I had to re-enable BT afterwards.

I started the app 20 minutes before a race today and still did not make it through the update and into the gameā€¦ What changed?

What phone do you have and what version of Android? My Android updates have been the same as usual, nothing has slowed down.

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is aspects of PD5 being enabled in the background?

Just experienced VERY weird behavior on our endurance ride that Iā€™ve never experienced before, but it was almost a PD3 churn, but really just the center lane was the real churn; at which point once out front youā€™d get kicked to the sides, and consumed through the rear and then spit back out towards the front center.

This graphic is a quick attempt at showing what was happening from my experience.
If holding a high enough pace to sit towards the front, this is what was happening to myself, and others, enough for it to it became a topicā€¦ though folks had noticed that the ā€œpaceā€ was ā€œsurgeyā€, butā€¦ the pace was not surgey; just the position in the pack was (which, granted I understand some folks like to sit in a spot in a pack, and will throw down literally any amount of watts to stay there, causing it to be surgey on their end).

However, you could sit super steady on the pace, and the churn was absolutely thereā€¦



I just tapped the Radio Tower route button you see at the bottom which expanded into three route choice button options, tapped on Jungle and escaped the round-a-bout

Multiple people with super tuck issues in a race today. Worked less than half the time, not doing anything wrong - well over 60kph, grades of -6 to -10%, sudden stop to pedaling, no one around, no tuck.


Was fine for me on the Wattbike at as low as 55kph on Epic KOM Reverse Descent :+1:

Were reported Watts at 0 :crazy_face:

Yes reported watts were at 0.

This has happened for me randomly for ages, since way before 1.72. Watts at zero, flying down the Radio Tower descent, nothing the whole way down. Then a couple minutes later it works.

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That descent from Radio also has minimum draftā€¦i reported this bug a while back.

quick fix is to just step on the pedals once or twice then let off again

Guess my avatar has his on mind, loves to hug the centreline, and once you steer him away from there , he goes straight back to it. Have tried to talk to him nicely, but heā€™s stubborn :joy:

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I recalibrated which seemed to fix that problem but made it sow the right controller wonā€™t steer, though buttons work.

Any thoughts?

Ipad- Changing HUD Slot selection in Settings does not change anything on Main Screen.

Youā€™re in the wrong thread. This is the one you want for the new HUD - Game Update v1.73 [September 2024]

To follow up on my Play Controller issue, I now notice that the steering on the right controller works when I do free rides or Pace Partners but once I go into a group ride it does not. Is there any reason why this would happen?