I thought I interpreted prior comments to effect that autobraking was going to be completely removed at any speed? What’s the downside, except for the odd rider here and there doesn’t want to wait to change bikes and hasn’t figured out the shortcut key to go to pairing screen? A lot of talk about desire to emulate IRL riding, except for the concept of coasting for some reason…
Apple TV and iPad / iPhone users - v1.33.2 has released in the Apple App Store. It may take a few hours to propagate to Apple servers worldwide.
Note that the iPad Pro keyboard is not supported (no idea why), so people on iPad don’t have any shortcut keys.
Ok, though it seems it should be about weighing the advantages/disadvantages. More users who complain that coasting (a real life thing) isn’t available, vs user base who swaps bikes in the middle of the virtual woods or wherever (not a real life thing)? I assume ipad users could still tap screen to get menu and then choose pairing option?
Yeah, not sure - Neither has ever been an issue for me personally. I once thought I was going to do a hot swap to a gravel bike in a race that went through the jungle, but started on tarmac, but then I was in a pack that I didn’t want to get dropped from, so I ended up keeping the Tron. But I’ve also never had an issue with the game slowing me down too much when I stopped pedaling either (usually if I’m going slow and stop pedaling I am done whatever I’m doing so it’s fine if I’m slowed down faster then). Not sure how much that happens to other folks.
why do you have 2? Have you tried just using one?
it’s a guy thing
It means I can run more than one thing at a time, such as TrainerRoad and Zwift without needing to use Bluetooth.
1.33.2 and my Precor ChronoPower pairs and I’m back on! Celebrating. Grateful!
Why can’t you do that with one? If one program is using ant+ it doesn’t turn it off for others does it?
Yes, it does. For ANT+ broadcasting, the devices just push out the signal and any receiver can see it. So that means you can connect a watch and a head unit and an ANT+ USB dongle.
But when it comes to the USB dongle in the computer, only one program can connect to it at a time.
Most ANT+ troubleshooting pages will note this. For example Using Open Road with another app such as Xert, Trainerroad or Zwift - Bike the World or https://4iiii.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360029601531-My-device-and-app-do-not-recognize-my-ANT-USB-dongle
A common issue is Garmin Express which often starts at boot time. That can bind to the USB stick and prevent other programs from using it. If I start Zwift on this PC (which is not my normal Zwift PC, but does have Garmin Express running) for example I get this:
And of course I get the alert icon on the connection:
On my Zwift PC I don’t have Garmin Express running, I have two ANT+ sticks, and I get a “connection OK” icon for the ANT+ connection (i.e. Zwift is happy that it has bound to an ANT+ stick).
Especially frustrating because it used to not be there. At the time, mid-2015, people requested a feature to bring their avatar to a stop because back then, events were just communicated on here or facebook of a start location and it was tough to coast to the right spot. After it came to be, it was a huge change in racing or riding given if you weren’t always on the gas, you’d start to shoot out the back. The crowd that was on Zwift at the time was the crowd that had been on trainers anyway (different to today where indoor riding is seen as a completely different way to ride a bike), so a lot of the feedback was that no one cared because they just grind out time on the trainer anyway.
This has been my soapbox for a long while- when it comes to mechanical stopping (braking) that should be at the user’s control, not the game’s.
A post was split to a new topic: Brake control device
Weird, looks like some other peoples’ Holo Replay riders… that seems wrong
Some minor issues of 1.33, not resolved in 1.33.2:
loss of “rubber band” in Meetups - happened today on AdZ when a group member dropped though obviously still part of the group (green color) → in addition to the misrouting phenomenon buggy group rides.
ZCA: While in workout mode in main program, ZCA still shows the “dashboard” and not the “workout” tab. Restarting ZCA didn’t solve the problem.
Zwift showing “Verbindung fehlt” (“connection lost”) on top left for a minute, though internet was stable (zwiftaliser w/o error) and the other riders were still displayed. Happened at 5.06pm, parallel to a the TdZ start → server resources???
Luckily, my bluetooth connection to the trainer is stable… (Windows 10, Kickr V5)!
that’s weird, not seen that before.
i’ve turned holoreplays off now that they spawn for every route, was getting too much.
I’m not sure but I’m guessing the white highlighted riders, all with Pace Partner/RoboPacer sign alongside have just set a new PB for the route or segment that time through.
I only saw this when I was in a RoboPacer group going through a sprint segment.
this seemingly explains a lot. Thanks. So basically, the original reason for 0 watt auto-braking, doesn’t pertain any longer?
Running 1.33.2 on Windows PC I noticed a bug with the lap splits for heart rate on every single km over the course of 11km. Heart rate was mostly in the 160s throughout the run until km 11 when I cooled down with a walk. The splits on screen show HR mostly in the 120s per km instead of 160s.
The heart rate at the top of the screen was correct, but every split was incorrect. I run every week and this is the first time I’ve noticed this bug. It might have been there before, but I’ve not noticed till now.
Split HR according to Zwift…
Note my actual HR of 170 as I cross the line, but a split for the 10th km of just 120.
Here are my actual splits…
EDIT : No such problem yesterday…