Game screen went black [July 2023] [Windows] [1.44]

It depends on what you’ve currently got?

Of the two you’ll get more benefit upgrading your graphics card.

depends what you want to improve?

do you want it to look nicer, run smoother or both?

if you give us the full specs of your PC i’m sure someone will be able to advise on what would get you the best performance

We found this particular blacked-out image issue impacted older CPU’s that were low-spec to begin with.

Upgrading the CPU can be tricky because motherboard sockets are specific to a CPU family.
It’s also possible that your CPU is permanently soldered in place. This has been a trend in recent years for system manufacturers.

At some point it becomes more cost effective to replace the entire computer than upgrading one component at at time. If low cost is important - a recent-generation AppleTV 4k is the most cost-effective device on the market that runs Zwift.

This issue is definitely not fixed yet.
First race after the update today; and one hour in the Zwift Screen went black.
Like in the OP, data was still being submitted (visible in sauce and companion app); but even after 30 minutes the Zwift screen stayed black.

I am operating on Windows 10 as well - please contact me if I can help with logs or in another way.

Hi Chris, John with Zwift HQ here. Thanks for reporting, and I’m sorry to hear about the screen going black during a ride.

Can you confirm that the screen looks the same as in the OP, where the game itself is black but you can still see the HUD and buttons.

Also, are you seeing this on every ride after some time or is it happening immediately once you start your ride?

Hey John. For me the entire zwift screen was black, so unlike OP I hd no menu button / HuD.

But in companion app data was coming in and I could finish the race.

So far it has not happened again - the incident I had was in the 3rd lap of Chasing Rainbows, so about 1 hour into the race.

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The issue still occurs unfortunately. Been having it since September, but lately seems to occur more frequently. After a random amount of time in game (I’ve had it occur after 10 min, 25 min and an hour) my screen goes black. After a few minutes the program itself stops running as well. No HuD, but Companion app still runs and receives input. Mostly seems to happen during workouts and riding routes, not during races. My laptop shouldn’t be the problem, I bought a new one this June. As far as I know the game has been updated constantly. Yesterday I had to restart a Zwift Academy training three times, then I gave up.

A newish laptop probably has the video screenshots setting enabled by default. Make sure it’s turned off next time you try it.

Thank you for your suggestion, I’ve already disabled this setting a while ago because it was suggested in a similar topic.

Any difference between windowed and full-screen modes?

The crashes have all occurred in full-screen mode thusfar. I’ll try windowed for my next workout!