Somebody is working OK with no issues on a
AMD Ryzen 7 4980U Zen 2 Windows 10
This was a custom chip made for Microsoft Surface Laptops … possibly with custom drivers
I wonder if it could be a Zen 3 thing or Windows 11
By the way I signed up to Rouvy and I’m working fine and I’m still able to train using that app … It’s really impressive …they have a 7 day trial.
Mine is a AMD Ryzen 7 5800H 3.2GHz 16GB DDR4 on Windows 11. It gets progressively slower as I ride and then starts to stutter and finally crashes.
I’ve not checked out Rouvy but its getting to the point where I will need to. I like longer rides, and I cannot do these reliably anymore without crashing.
One thing I have found is that it seems to crash sooner in Watopia and less frequently in other worlds? Maybe something to do with rider count??
I’m just adding to the list of frustrated users having Zwift crash on them. This is especially frustrating in ZRL and Team races. Zwift has crashed on me twice in the last week. I contemplated switching platforms after the price hike, then after they messed around with the categories late last year, and now this. I thought the price hike would bring improvements to the product, but clearly this is just like paying more taxes to an incompetent government.
I have same issue here, I was happily riding Zwift for 7 years without any problem, but since last month I got 2 freezes during the ride, both happened on long rides of 3.5 hours and 3 hours respectively.
In spite of most reports that are correlated to AMD integrated graphics cards, the specs of my system are slightly different:
Intel i7 930 (the very first generation of i7 ) AMD Radeon RX 550 AERO ITX 4G OC 12GB RAM Windows 10 Zwift route: Tempus Fugit in Watopia
Maybe I should replace the AMD graphics card with a NVIDIA and try the 3 hour ride again?
You should not really have to replace your graphics card for a memory bug…but the fact you are windows 10 blows my theory out of the water …it looks like Zwift have just screwed up their graphics engine on AMD GPU’s and triggered a driver memory overflow / leak. You have 12GB DDR memory on your dedicated card which should easily be enough… Integrated chipsets can access system memory upto 80% of ram.
So it all looks like a consistent problem with a GPU memory leak in the drivers that builds up over time.
The ignorant Zwift developers have all been testing on systems with 8GB + memory on deficated cards not integrated so probably haven’t spotted the issue … Which if true is just unprofessional …they should have a suite of laptops in their test bed. 8GB on integrated graphics (6GB in reality). Dedicated cards probably needs upgrading to a 8GB+ model if you want to get it working before the bug fix if not 16GB … But 16GB is ridiculous for Zwift. But with 8GB+ you should be able to switch on all the graphics features with the bug fixed … In the interim on your 12GB card i’d be dropping all the settings to low and switching off all player interaction to reduce memory load and see if you can improve stability. Zwift do say 8GB is a system requirement so you have enough memory …it’s just about trying to increase the time before a crash by managing the memory leak.
My Recommendation is to cancel your subscription (if you are monthly) and then start a trial of
1). If you like gamification try IndiVelo
2). If you like long rides and need to keep your mind not bored try Rouvy.
This is what I have done …when Zwift fix the issue you can resubscribe …
Many of us have traing programmes and we can’t have it ruined by Zwifts piss poor QA and test bed.
Running out of memory when the trouble happens is a pretty standard symptom of the bug with Radeon integrated graphics so I am curious if that happened in your case or not. There’s more than one way to crash Zwift and it’s not clear if this bug is what did it for you. I’m not sure what the mechanism for that would be in a system with a dedicated GPU, but Zwift might be able to tell if you send them logs. The very first thing they will probably tell you to do is install the latest Radeon driver downloaded from AMD and that might not be a waste of time in your case if the cause is something other than this particular bug.
Hi folks, just another quick update from the Zwift team:
We have some changes that are currently under test which look very promising thus far. I don’t yet have an ETA to share because we’re still in progress on full testing/validation and things could still change, but we’re getting close and as soon as we have a safe fix ready to go, we’ll post back here.
Quoting my previous question that you must have missed because I’m sure you’d want to provide an answer to the users who are unable to use the product.
Hi Evan. Will you be providing credit for subscription time for users who are impacted by this and are unable to use the product? This has been ongoing for months now.
just chiming in, I’ve had a couple of crashes with my amd rx6400 card recently, with yesterday having it crash during a workout, which fortunately was near the end. eagerly awaiting a fix, definitely gives me pause in trying to do workouts with zwift controllable
@Siren_Su You have a very low-spec PC for Zwift. Each iteration/update of Zwift, whether intentional or not, is stressing older PCs. Drop a Log file into and check frame rates. If consistently low, less than 10-15 FPS, you increase the risk of crashing. I have a PC with the i7-980 & GTX-260 and tested a number of months ago…constant stutters and really not usable.
We have a fix in version 1.81.2 (for Windows only) that should address the issue most people in this thread are reporting. Please update when the phased rollout is available to you and let us know if this resolves your freeze (or not).
I’ve been having similar crashing issues; especially frustrating today in the middle of an FTP test! I am updating now and hope this is the end of it. If not will try not running the Companion app. thanks
I had another one today after my club ladder race, it lasted for about 20sec and not full lock, and eventually allowed me to continue, which was good. Hopefully the new patch 1.81.2 fixes this
Hi Simon, thanks for your reply, I was thinking of change some settings as you recommended before my long ride, but thankfully Zwift announces the latest bug fix version just now, so let’s see what happens after update!
Yes, that the same on my case, task manager showed Zwift consumed almost 75%~80% of memory during the freeze. I will update to the latest version today and hopefully it gets improved.
Yes my pc is quite old, but since I use it only for Zwift and it worked fluently and even flawlessly, so I just keep it there . Thanks for your suggestion I will upload the log file to Zwiftalizer later when I got back home, my system really need a complete diagnosis (and maybe it’s time to upgrade to a new PC).
Personally the quit rage of having my training schedule messed up for a month leaves emotional scars.
I never use/like the gamification aspects of Zwift …I just used it to end rhe boredom of TrainRoad and Zone2 training (uggg). I didn’t care about community stuff where Zwift rains supreme.
For me …I’m afraid I think I am sticking with Rouvy. It’s bike mechanics and photo realistic real world cycle routes is perfect to stop my brain getting bored. It’s the closest thing to real riding I have seen in the “Just ride a route” mode. It’s easy to pick a spot in the dustance and focus on getting to it / figuring out what it is. + I’ve never changed gears so much on a Turbo.
But if community is your thing for motivation … stick with Zwift.
Personally any training software that can not run reliably on a 8GB Laptop with integrated graphics is.a failure. They should be targeting bedroom/mancave Consoles not dedicated PC’s for high end.
We should not be needing 16GB Discrete Graphics cards and PC’s FFS …
90% will be using tablets / laptops not PC’s
16GB Raspberry Pi has come out … I’m debating installing android and seeing if I can get cycling aps running on that perfect form factor .
In case this helps anyone, I’ve discovered if I boot my computer up fresh (rather than bringing it out of sleep or hibernation) and then begin my zwift session, I can typically ride longer before it crashes. I assume this lowers the baseline ram requirements on the machine. Looking forward to the fix.