Family and Child Plan Request

Hello! I´m first timer with Zwift.

I sent some e-mail to Zwift about some tech problems and asked them about sort of “family” package with reduced price.
So they guided me here - and it seems, that many more people are hoping the same.
Only two of us now joining to Zwift and many more families with even bigger amount of bikers wanting to create account at reduced price - maybe 2 - 5 people with reduced price - so please Zwift company - hear us and create that possibility!!

All the best to all “Zwifters” around the globe!!


Absolutely agreed, a definite need for this.


Same here - difficult to rationalize two full accounts for the two of us. We only have a single trainer, so we’d never be concurrent users. Make a “second character” non concurrent user under a good discount for people like us.


This is definitely needed with the rising costs of subscriptions in a household including Netflix, Amazon, music, etc all of which currently have family plan pricing. Having trainerroad, training peaks, Strava, and other fitness subscriptions that don’t include family plan pricing means you aren’t able to justify having them all. Please add this as a feature!


An absolute yes for a family plan!!! Surely it is better for Zwift to get 2 or more subscribers of a household for a lesser fee than only one with a full one :-).


Well, it’s nice that kids under 16 can have an account for free, but my wife would not join because she didn’t feel like 2x $15/month was worthwhile. A family plan of some sort is needed. Agree with everyone else here.


Family plan please!!!


Yeah this would be great. happy to pay a little extra for my wife to have her own account but double is too much. She is starting to take over my account! Please help.


I finished my trial. No family plan is a problem for me. I think to Subscribe to rouvy.


My wife is trialing Zwift and I just downloaded it to do my trial. It appears I can’t do the 30 day trial because I need another account. Well that will force me to trial another service and I’ll see what their family plan looks like. We share the same trainer and we’re not doubling up our payment for Zwift or any of the trainers, PERIOD. It appears you’ve made a decision not to create a family plan because it has been years since this has been brought up. In today’s SaaS world it is all about the end user and making their experience easier. From what I’ve seen there’s a whole host of competition right now. I’d consider a new strategy to gain even greater market share.


Cannot agree more. My wife and I share one trainer and think it is kind of ridiculous that we should sign up for two full subscriptions but would for sure pay something on top of the subscription we already have to enable two profiles. Do not think Zwift will lose by having a family plan.

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Zwift is expensive enough that you should allow 2 people (spouses, partners, family) use one account. Imagine if Netflix made each viewer in a family get an account, that would be lame. Come on Zwift, no need to be so greedy.


I would also pay a bit extra to have more than one user on my account vs. sharing at current price.

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I think it’s not so difficult to build in. Use the same trainer/sensors or the same IP address. When my wife wants to bike too, I also have to move to Rouvy.

I think a lot of users will do that. Hopefully Zwift will come with an solution.

I don’t think Zwift would lose by having a family plan either and he’s why. My wife and I just started using Zwift and my plan is to just use it through the winter months. When warmer weather arrives and is here to stay, I’m riding outside. Zwift will lose my membership for roughly 7 months. Now if Zwift were to offer a family plan I might just keep my membership through those 7 months.


Yes this is needed!! I have 5 boys and all love zwift! we want to train together! +7 for all family members agree this is needed!


We have a family of 5 ! We all ride and want to be able to pay for a family membership. I don’t understand why this is not yet an option after many years of Zwift’s existence.
Zwift doesn’t work properly when shared with others of vastly different abilities and physical characteristics.


Here is a link to info about FREE Child Account for Zwift: Zwift Accounts for Children

Maybe an other solution will be that you buy kilometers that you can share with another person instead of unlimited access. Letś say you buy 1000 KM and both users can use it untill there are no more kilometers left.


I would be more apt to start using Zwift if there was a family plan. A Family plan is a reasonable ask. Streaming Music services see the value and revenue generated from Family Plans. Come on Zwift, get with the program.