Family and Child Plan Request

No it is not.

This is from 2016:

It has changed a bit over the years but it has been active since 2016.

The email I received indicated that my son’s account would be free until he turns 16, so that is one thing that has changed (in a beneficial way) from the original policy.

If he wants me to pay for a subscription for him once he turns 16, I will for as long as he uses it. Get them hooked on cycling so they can’t afford drugs, right? :wink:

The free account for him was set up within minutes of me submitting the form. I expected it to take a couple of days. It was very quick and easy.

For anyone who is curious, the Free Kids Accounts are easy to set up. Contact our support team, making it very clear that you are talking about a child’s account, and we will get it to our team that oversees those interactions. Thank you all for your input on other forms of Family Plans!


Yes, im for it too. Even thogh i think kids should be encouraged to play outside

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Planning for my wife and my kid. Please make tier packages for family plans.

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Kids 16 and under are free.

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Same here. My wife loves Zwift, I am wanting to use it but no way am I paying for two full subscriptions. Would gladly pay as much as 50 pct for a second though.


Definitely need a family option - you want more money zwift? Give us a deal :slight_smile:


Wow, as a relatively ‘new zwifter’, it is very concerning to see that a year later, $wift is not really responding to family plan pricing options, or something reasonable to accommodate that? My wife and I don’t even have kids and I get it, I support everyone here requesting zwift to take action on a family plan, family budgets w/ kids can be very tight!
My wife rides as well and once she saw the price ($30 USD for us both) she immediately said “no way”…way to go zwift…you lost that customer that I brought you. It’s not unreasonable to to ask zwift to have a two adult family to pay $22 as a family discount. Or $32 for a family of four (2 adults, 2 kids under 16…)
These are not easy business calls but, its certainly an easy uptick in revenue for zwift and, its easy to see zwifts po$ition on this, a true lack of engagement.
Be interesting to see what they do over the next year (by Aug 2020). Afterall, riding outdoors is still free…and I’d rather use my $180 a year zwift fees towards bike maintenance, ride event fees, or bike trips!


Kids are free,


+1 for this request. I find it completely insane that there is no option for 2 adults to share a account for a discounted price. My wife wants to join Zwift as well, but we don’t want to pay 30 euro a month for a virtual training experience, it just is too much.


+1 from a new user. Just got an indoor trainer and set it up with an Apple TV 4k. Two rides so far and I really like it. My wife will be using the same bike and same trainer. I’ll complete setting up her account this weekend. Would be really nice to have an account that could save us a little on the cost.

YES PLEASE on the family plans. I have impatiently been waiting to use zwift for over 1.5 years due to waiting for a decent smart bike to come out. Now, with Tacx and Wahoo (and a wave of others) smart bikes on the horizon, i (and my fiance) are hoping to join in on the Zwift fun too. But paying for two separate subscriptions seems a little much. PRETTY PLEASE family plan subscription, especially now that easily adjustable smart bikes are becoming the new thing, i feel like this has opened up to a whole new market.

:innocent:please do this give us a little break or a reward program to get new riders

+1 to this!


We are a family of 5 and my wife and kids want to use Zwift once in a while on my old turbo, but do not want to nor could I afford individual accounts.

I know people would try to abuse this for their friends, but surely there could be security measures put in place such as IP address limitations or a location GPS lock down so if you have a family account all users can only use it at the same GPS location. Single user accounts could remain as is without additional security and those on a family account would have to accept the location restricted facilities or pay for separate accounts if they want open access to Zwift at a number of locations.

Come on Zwift and make Zwift affordable and a family activity that can be shared.


FYI, kids 16 and under are free.


I know that and have 1 kids account, but what about my 16 & 17 year olds, plus wife?

Zwift should do more for families and have only just recently increased the kids account from 13 to 16.


Now I’ve saw this online already so just trying to push it even further.

Many people would request a family plan/membership for more than one adult, similar to the under 16 plan.

Same here. I am looking at getting an other trainer of my wife and another setup like mine so we can Zwift together from time to time in the winter months, but two full subscriptions seems like a lot. Cut $5.00 off and make a family plan $25.00.