Family and Child Plan Request

I’ve just joined on a free trial, really amazed there’s no household plan for my partner and I to share in the same way various other subscription-based services have. Might not go beyond the trial, had assumed it must exist when I signed up!


Couldn’t agree with you more. I made the switch to Rouvy a few months ago and wouldn’t go back to Zwift even if they were to offer a family plan.

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That’s probably the only way it will ever happen. If enough people switch to Rouvy (and take their money with them), then Zwift will start listening.


i got also the Rouvy Premium Account with my Girlfriend, we will try it for a while.

we like Zwift more, but the pricing for 2 in one house is to much.
for „family“ pricing i zwift we would stop the rouvy account instant!

looking up for the family pricing!

I Don’t understand the pricing and policy system from Zwift. Running is unlimited free, while bike riding is limited to 25 kilometers. And young children are free, but there is no family plan. Why so much differences? For now I am riding on Zwift, but if my wife wants to bike too, I also make the switch to Rouvy.
It looks like Zwift is not really listening to their community. So much votes and requests for this. That’s als o on the topic for the badges visible in the companion app. Also a lot of votes but still no response from Zwift. If you won’t listen to your community, why do you setup this forum?


To be honest - listening is one thing, pricing another… I wish also bread, beer, … , to be cheaper, petrol should be more expensive (climate), etc - but nobody is listening!?!

As far as Zwift is less than 4 beers in a month is it OK for me.
Would be interesting to know, how much did the users pay for the hardware needed - I had a second hand dumb trainer for 2 years, bought a used Tacx Neo now - hardware cost eq about 50 month Zwift membership.

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I understand your point. But listening doesn’t mean you have to accept all feature requests. But there is no reaction from Zwift at all. Not only on this topic, but you see it also on other topics like the availability for badges in the companion app.
And to reply on your statement about oil, beer, bread etc. Does your supermarket or gas station has a forum with feature requests?
If you have feature requests with hundreds of votes and you still doesn’t give any reaction, I don’t understand the reason to start a forum like this at all.


Yes, this is a point where you (and all other users) are right - the “no reaction”. I hate it, too.

This forum is for me a place where many users can find help, there are many other users (no Zwift employees - just enthusiasts) trying to help and find solutions for problems - and very often they are succesfull. That is the reason to start a forum like this for me.

This is my opinion - everyone can have one. I just wanted to share mine.

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You’re absolutely true about the possiblity to help other zwifters on this forum. I don’t say that the whole forum doesn’t have a function. But if you start something like a feature requests sub-forum. you ask the community to think with you to improve your product or service. If you don’t listen to their requests and arguments, then the subforum doesn’t have a really function to me.
It sounds for me, like, we don’t want a lot of mails from people with ideas, so we start a forum for them. But we do what we want.

That’s my feeling about this.


I completely agree. This part of the forum is an insult, and it’s even worse that customer services use its existence to fob people off.


I was just about to sign up for zwift for the winter this year as I was on Rouvy last year but now that I find out there is no family plan… not a chance.

Back to Rouvy we go.


Pricing is for me not a feature request…

But there are so many requests (I voted for many, of course) - and Zwift consequently ignoring them.

How could we bring more VOTING users into the forum? There are many thousands Zwifters, so 566 votes here (or >1000 for save without exit) is not so much…

Having the option to have a “family set-up” would be very welcome indeed… My wife and I are both into cycling and have one turbo trainer with a dedicated indoor bike mounted on it. (we share the same frame size)

So since we are never riding virtual at the same time having the option to share an account (two avatars) or whatsoever) would be a great added feature.
I’m rather new to Zwift and paying a monthly fee is no problem… However spending double seems like a bit of a stretch.


That seems to be a good idea for me - pay per trainer, not user!

Does Zwift read these. Clearly it’s about taking advantage of people and the COVID pandemic, rip off the consumer, the new norm.

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The price is the same since 2 years - what has this to do with Corona?

Nothing apart from that they specifically said right in the middle of the most severe lockdowns around the world that it 'doesn’t sit right with them’ that families in the same household are forced to have multiple subscriptions. This is obviously exacerbated when people are stuck at home due to Covid. Lots of countries are now locking down again and the northern hemisphere is heading into winter. They’ve done literally nothing throughout, not even provided an update on progress (if there even is any). Probably waiting for the vaccine.

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Interesting email you have why is that? Even more interesting you completely ignored my other comments in my email but focused on a Corona comment. Address the whole email or don’t bother commenting, you know exactly what I am getting at.

While I’m at it how much did it increase in the last 2-4 yrs??? Please don’t bother with the games, a cash grab is what it is, plain and simple. You know what people want but Zwift has NEVER responded to their paying members request with a real reason why they won’t offer a plan that includes families. Good luck with the passive aggressive false narrative hope it works on your next sucker.

Mike, I answered your short comment - what did I ignore? It is only a question “Does Zwift read these” - I am not from Zwift, just user like you. I cannot answer it.
The other comment was “taking advantage of people and the COVID” - and that is the reason for my answer, Zwift did not change the price, so how do they take advantage? Yes, there are many users asking for a family and child plan - my opinion is there should be one account per trainer (with more users possible). Children under 16 are free, running is free, compared with price for a trainer (and the most users have smart trainers) is the price for one month Zwift for me OK.
My opinion, not more and not less.

Edit - Zwift never answered anything here and in the most other threads and it sucks. But it is a private business, they “sell” their product and seem to find enough users who pay the price.

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