Event change Request

Hi guys,
probably It’s a question for Events Creator,
i cannot find the page “Event Change Request”.
I had this link gozwift.kustomer.help/it/contact/event-change-request-HkA34mv5H
but probably something has changed
One of you have the new link or can help me?
Thanks Guys
And Ride On

slight change

I see this

I don’t find the event request :pensive:

they have done something odd with the language coding the /it - italy site now goes to events then redirects to the default zwift page

Probably worth raising as a support call/post on event leaders forum or email the events team…or try spoof your Brower away from Italy.

I wonder if going direct to another language site might work try,

Gordon, you are a Fu**ing Genius !!! I :heart: you :rofl::rofl::rofl: