ERG Mode Query

Hi, New Zwifter here so be gentle :grinning: Its probably been asked a million times so thought I’d ask it one more time! I have a Kickr Roller paired to a left power crank. When free riding on Zwift (not a workout) is ERG mode automatically disabled? When in workout (Training Peaks workout) is ERG automatically engaged? If so can someone show me how to enable/disable ERG mode. Is it done through Zwift or the Kickr Rollr settings? Thanks for your help. Cheers :grinning::+1:



Easiest way is from the Workout tab in the Companion App. Press a button to switch Erg off. Press the same button again to switch Erg back on.

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This is a great website for all things Zwift.

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Ok, so you have to be doing a workout in Zwift in order to be able to turn ERG mode on or off. Got it. So in a free ride ERG mode is disabled so the resistance I feel from the trainer is simply hitting the grade on a hill?

Assuming you’ve got something selected in the ‘Resistance’ option on the pairing screen, then yes Zwift will vary the resistance felt based on the terrain. :+1:

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@adam_tri_hard Hello. This is Juan, a Zwift colleague. That’s right, in Zwift there are two cycling modes, SIM (simulator mode) and ERG (ergometer mode). SIM mode is the one used for rides other than workouts. SIM mimics real road conditions for more immersive rides. If you want to learn more about it, I’d like to suggest you take a look at this article.

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