Hi, I’m new to zwift power. Help me understand what are the different category numbers when I look at the riders for a race yet to come? (see print).
E.g., the first rider there has an A on the left and a C on the right…
Hi, I’m new to zwift power. Help me understand what are the different category numbers when I look at the riders for a race yet to come? (see print).
E.g., the first rider there has an A on the left and a C on the right…
They are pace group A,entered into event category C.
Event category could be pace group for a group ride, Zwift Race score category for a race etc
Ah thanks. Shouldn’t they be forbidden from racing on Category C though, if their pace group is Cat A?
One is a pace group based on one set of metrics, the other is a race score category based on another set of metrics.
Comparing Apples & Oranges as things have kind of diverged from the older Zwiftpower categories with ZRS.
ZRS is still new does need to be update and upgrade. i would still class ZRS as in Beta. @Antonio_Campello
Pace Group category is used by the CE system which has been replaced with racing score. It doesn’t mean anything anymore in terms of which starting pen you’re allowed to join.
Is there an easier nomenclature for the new racing score.?
There seems to be 5 categories 0–180, 180-350, 350-520, 520-690, and 690-1000.
Are we going to call them A,B,C,D,E?
That’s confusing!
Looking at your ZwiftPower account and the accounts of the two riders you have shown is there a chance you are looking at a Tour of Watopia C (short) group ride event.
If so anyone can enter the C ride. It is not a race even though some riders treat it as a race. The C indicates that it is the shortest of the three rides available at that time of day.
Ahhhh, that explains it Ian! But it’s SUPER confusing… why not call it Long/Medium/Short?
Welcome to Zwift
Because the A-B-C-D-E is a hard label for the pen in-game.