December Fondo Jerseys

I would like that someone explain to me how works the jerseys of December Fondo.
I finished the Bambino Fondo this morning, but in my garage I just have one New Jersey, named ‘Zwift zFondo December’ and is white.
How or when or where can I get the olive green jersey? Why I don’t have it yet?
Thanks who to answer :slight_smile:

You can’t get them, they advertise one thing and award another. Welcome to Zwift, it rarely makes any sense.


I’ve just seen that, got the white November, now got a white December and my mates who rode the 2pm Fondo have got Grey and Green today :exploding_head::man_shrugging:

You’d think they’d award the same jerseys for the same ride.

Hey Ho…

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They messed up last month and messed up again this month. Used the wrong Jersey in both occasions.

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I completed the Bambino Fondo this after and I still have not seen the jersey hit my garage yet. I have put in a support ticket but based on what I have read, they may or may not manually add the jersey to my garage. Has anyone had experience with this before?

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I tweeted them last night and got an immediate response. They said they’re checking into why this happened and will come back to me…

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Excellent, checked and it is indeed in the garage :+1:

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I received too! :heart_eyes: