Hello all,
Question I am looking at purchasing a new treadmill and was wondering if a curved treadmill for zwift would be suitable?
Does anyone use a curved treadmill for zwift if do please tell me your thoughts?
Can long distance training be accomplished on a curved treadmill, marathon type distances?
Much appreciate for all feedback in advanced.
Hi, I would say: yes one can - but that depends on personal preference.
I recently bought an assault air runner and I would not go back to a normal treadmill. And I see no reason not to run long distances on it. You don’t need tu push buttons, you just run at the desired speed.
BUT since it is more taxing, your pace readings will be off compared to outdoor running. So you will have to find a way to handle that and adjust your pace zones and/or distances accordingly.
I would advise to try it out, after around 5-10 km on the air runner, I was sold
Hello jay,
Thanks for info will look into air assault curved
Josh White
I also have a curved treadmill ( OMA FreeLander Motorless Tread w/brake) and I find it a harder workout as Jay mentioned and my pace seems to be much slower than if I were outside. It does encourage good running form though and that helps with knee issues and the like. I have a break on it as well so I can adjust the tension so I can use it as a push sled as well and that way train for hills :). I find mine does not roll as freely as the Assault runner so just know that there are some differences among the curved mills
. I am not a great runner ( and I still walk alot) so I hope this Academy will help me get stronger.
I just purchased the OMA freelander, do you like yours? and also is it quiet?
Hi Josh
No I am afraid it is quite noisy actually, rumbles get louder the faster you run. I have given up trying to run on it for Zwift Academy as it is way harder than running on my old traditional treadmill. That said I do really like is and use it sometimes for zwift when I really want to suffer and It is awesome for indoor hill training as a push sled. Also super for all out sprinting and run form improvement. Let me know how you find yours once you get it and have tried it out.
I am a fairly good runner, run at a 4:25km to 4:45km and can keep that up for 15-21km and slow days 5:00 flat per km what do you run at and how long for and how much does the OMA effect your pace and distance?
I would like to get stronger at running I just don’t like that noisy part of it, is it nosier than a normal motored treadmill?
That is impressive… I am no ware near that good of a runner. I think my fast pace is about a 630-730 min per km. I think it may work better for you with a faster pace, you will have to let me know. I have gotten used to slow slow pace as a ultra trail runner and I just have poor form so I hope to improve with the curved mill and I too want to get faster and stronger for shorter distances ( by that I am thinking less than 50 km).
Yes I do find it quite a bit louder that a motorized mill…that was the one complaint that i think was constant in the reviews. It is also massively heavy, even on wheels…It destroyed a couple of rubber tiles when I moved mine.
I could never dream of running 50km right now lol, longest it 25km I think at a 5:15 pace. I will let you know what I think hopefully it’s good as it’s pricey and no return policy.
I appreciate all the help, thanks
Just thought I’d let ya know, got my OMA treadmill today, same as yours, I find it awesome, far more intense and difficult which I really do like for strength training and improving muscle in legs for when running outside!
I ran a total of 8km on it today, split 5km in the morning and 3 km at night, my best km on it so far is a 4:49km which was very difficult to do where a 4:49 km outside for me is a fairly nice jogging pace, but I like this in a way because I feel come summer I should be far more improve and should be running faster fingers crossed! The only thing that will be hard and take a few month is running long distances on as muscle get sore real quick right now!
That is awesome Josh, I hope it is not too noise for you. I do love mine for the same reason that si makes me stronger and keeps me running in good form so the joints are better protected. I use the Zwift foot pod and I feel like the curved mill makes me run way harder than the traditional treadmill does for the same level of effort showing by my avatar. Enjoy!!