Companion app freezes on my iPad

Hi there,

since a few days my iPad 4 Companion app freezes. Rebooting fixes the Problem only a few minutes, if at all.
Zwift runs on my iPhone x.
I haven’t changed, neither on my Network nor on my iPhone / iPad.


Hi Michael,

Is your iPad 4 up to date with the most current available iOS version? Here’s an article from Apple that explains how to update your system OS settings.

Have you checked for app updates and that your Companion app is on the latest available version?


Yes, my iPad Gas the newest iOS.

The Companion App is also ob the latest version.

Schöne Grüße von unterwegs,

Hi Michael,

Have you tried deleting the Companion App from your iPad, then installing a fresh copy from the App store?


Thanks for your help.
I reinstalled the companion app, and it works, for 30 min. Then I have to restart the iPad. Every 30 min.

Michael Wachholz

Did you ever get this resolved? I have issue with the Companion app running on my ipad, but is fine on iphone XS!
Everything is up to date and have tried re installing but still nothing? everything is on the same network but the companion app just keeps starting for a few seconds then closes?