Cadence to high, setting change required?

Evening, wonder if someone can help. I bought my swift bike last week but I have notice I’m having to spin my legs an awful lot to get up to a wattage required, for instance today I had to spin out to 125 cadence to get 350 watts, this can’t be right? Is there a setting I need to change?


Hi @Carl_Adams welcome to Zwift forums.

Shuji at Zwift HQ here. It sound like you’re doing a structured workout using ERG mode (where the trainer’s resistance automatically adjusts to your cadence to hit your target watts). I peeked at your server logs for clues. Noticed you have a KICKR Core, and its firmware is up to date. So too the firmware for your Ride controllers.

Wahoo trainers have a thing called ERG mode power smoothing. See this support article, and in particular the bottom of that page for more info about that.

If the power smoothing thing doesn’t help - it’s possible that you might need to adjust your Functional Threshold Power (FTP) number. This number is a measure of how many watts you can sustain over a given period of time. The higher that number, the stronger you are. In turn, the wattage targets you’re given in a structured workout are a % of whatever your FTP number is set to. It’s possible your FTP setting is too low for your level of fitness. See this other support article for more information on that.

Please investigate both of those pathways, and let us know if that solves it?

If you’re doing a workout in ERG mode, just hold cadence where you should be (either whatever you choose or what the workout calls for) and the trainer should adjust resistance within <30sec.

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Thanks. Feel better informed now :+1:. I guess me just getting used to it, only a week in. Think I have the hang of it now. Think I need another FTP test then it should all settle down. Thanks again

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