Bkool Smart Bike ERG MODE

I have had the Bkool Smart Bike V1 for a few years now, and despite it being great, it is incompatible with apps such as Zwift (only recognised as a power meter). This means I have to run Bkool Simulator at the same time to change gears in Zwift (the bike has ERG but can’t use it). Bkool has sold their hardware development to Zycle, who have a smart bike that is very similar to mine, but it is compatible with other apps with ERG mode.

I’m wondering if I can somehow make the bike ERG compatible in Zwift without having to use Bkool Simulator?

Thanks, Beau.

Hi @Beau_Goddard, I know nothing about the Bkool Smart Bike but there is/was a similar problem for the standard smart trainers from Bkool where you had to enable Ant+ FEC for Zwift to control the resistance.

This post gives instructions for doing that so it could be worth a try?

Thanks, I’ll give that a try and update you soon.

Hello everyone,

If you have a Bkool Smart Bike, Sandy’s method works perfectly and enables ERG mode on Zwift.

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Great news @Beau_Goddard, what’s it like to use?

A quick look on Ebay has them selling in the past for under £300 in the UK which would be a bargain as a smart bike if it works ok.

It works perfectly. I haven’t used any other smart bikes, so I can’t compare. But for that price and 2% power accuracy, I think it would be impossible to beat for value.

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