Bike Weight questions

No there is no specific number out there it is not something Zwift give us access to.

You are confusing me. You can’t change your height or weight so that will not determine what bike you can ride. But you can pic a different frame and wheels.

The bike for a 195 cm guy would most likely have significant higher weight than for a girl who is 155cm. even if both uses the same brand/model.

I don’t care so much that the bigger guy most likely have bigger feet and heavier socks, but bike weight is interesting

I think you’re getting too concerned about things too insignificant for most to care about. For example let’s add weather which will affect larger riders as they catch more wind and hold more rain? I don’t expect to ride irl as I do in Zwift because of things like weather, traffic, junctions, road surface, not having a real concept bike, ability to coast etc. Zwift is a tool and that if it remains constant you can measure ‘your’ progress which is the only person you should be concerned with on Zwift.

You are still confusing me. You asked about making better bike choices. With your height and weight you can only change different bike and wheel combinations.

I don’t think @Rick_Grimes is getting ‘too’ concerned about anything, frankly. I think he’s just talking about an issue that is interesting to him. There’s no need to dismiss the issue with a hand wave of ‘oh you’re too concerned’, as he’s already stated that he’s not asking for any particular changes. There’s no threat to the status quo here, no need to sweep any problems under the rug. He’s not complaining, he’s discussing an issue that’s interesting to him :slight_smile:

As for the better bike choices issue, I take it to mean that, conceptually (but as he admits, too complex to bother with) if frame sizes did weight different amounts, the software could (but currently doesn’t) allow a rider to selected a different size frame than would be ‘standard’ for their body size. Andre Greipel, all 184cm of him, used to ride a 54cm frame because he claimed it would be stiffer and give him an advantage in sprinting. If the complexity was worth it, it would be another interesting choice to make at the pointy end. The complexity isn’t worth it for Zwift, and as far as I can tell no one is saying it is. But it would be interesting (at least to some) all the same.

Won’t everyone then just pick a XXS frame?


If you don’t want the extra weight for descending. And (again the complexity here would be off the charts) I’d also say that there would be limits. Greipel didn’t ride a 48 :slight_smile: And even more more more complex, there would have to be some sort of penalty imposed for aerodynamics–Greipel also isn’t going to be able to tuck down as far on a small frame as a big one.

Maybe the solution would be to confirm bike frame size for big races the same way weight is confirmed, lol. If you want to stick an XXS on your trainer for the race, you can pick the XXS in ZWIFT :laughing:

the sticker on my chinarello says it’s a size 44 but that doesn’t really mean anything on it’s own. although it is a tiny frame