Bell not appearing on Companion App

Hi All

nothing of great importance but an irritation to me when trying to be more sociable.

I’ve noticed that the ‘Bell’ icon has stopped appearing on the 'MAP ’ and ‘DASHBOARD’ screens of the companion app.

I can’t see anything in the ‘Settings’ or otherwise to turn it on or off.

Anyone got any ideas ?



Hi Jan,
I didn’t notice that the bell icon was missing today, but you could be right as I did notice a new button which allows you to discard your current power up. It only appears if you have a power up, so is not always visible. Maybe they removed the bell for this new button.

Thanks for your reply Troy.

Yes, that could be possible. I guess I’ll just have to wait for the next App update to see if it comes back.

I’ll maybe try a re-install of the App as well.



The good news is the bell is still on there if you press F8 on the keyboard.

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Yep the bell still works with F8 on the keyboard.



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