Extremely important for the training goal are the average watt, which are already elegantly displayed from curve to curve at Alpe du Zwift (but can not be retrieved after training!) and at the FTP test. This is necessary for training sessions/workouts with intervals etc. LIVE! This gives a much better orientation on how to handle the current interval/segment as “more power” / “less power”! The stars after the intervals you get (or not get) do not really help to analyse your training! Also available AFTER the training and AFTER logging out! Best also a general average Watt display which is always visible.
Please search for Customizable HUD and vote it up, I will try and post the link in a little while.
Here is the link: https://forums.zwift.com/t/hud-customisation/
I know that there are similar posts regarding data analysis of watts, but this is different.
I want the average watts to be displayed during each segment. At the moment this is only done during FTP tests.
During interval tranings sessions, the ERG is meant to hold the watts to a certain value, but if the intensity is high, it often happens to cause the “spiral of death”. E.g. 360 Watts is targeted, but at the moment the watts are only 350 the resistance increases and therefore the cadence decreases. In order to get back to my old cadence I have to pedal even harder at 380 Watts, which does not produce a constant power output. This is super annoying for harder/longer intervals since this drains even more power and often ends at a cadence of 50 or less and isjust frustrating.
Yes, I can switch off ERG, but then I am usually not pedalling strong enough and I am 5-10% below the targeted power.
Therefore, I want the average Watts to be shown for each interval, which directly shows me, if I pedalled strong enough so far without ERG. This would really motivate to pedal stronger without the sprial of death.
Average watt would be useful in many more places except for workout intervals too btw, eg during climbs. I know I can see the sector stats for AdZ but it would be nice to see a total, so I don’t have to do any maths to see how much I still have left in the tank
hi team I have sent this through to support as well and I noticed a few other people have requested it notably in Nov 21
Not sure what you are even talking about? Can you elaborate please?
left hand side - when say I have an interval 4min at 336 for example - it would be nice to know a real avg time during that 4min how close I am to 336 watts , Trainer Road app does this really.
This is only useful if you’re not using erg mode for your intervals.
You can, if you write you own workouts (like in zwofactory), specify that you want to display average power in the workout block.
It’s also useful if you’re using workout bias while in erg mode.
how much are we paying zwift and trainer road a month? I reckon there vast resources could probably do this fix instead of me in about 10mins
i also am / was never a fan of erggggg mode - haha
Check out Pedal Games. Some extra dashboard and HUD things made by Zwifters for zwifters. https://pedalgames.online/