Average W/Kg During ride

I think it would be fantastic to have a average W/Kg in either the app or main screen. This would be helpful in pacing and group rides. Rather than using a separate device.

Thanks Brett

Isn’t the point af a group ride to stay with the leader, different weights will go different speed at the same w/kg on all flattish routes.


Absolutely as a leader it’s nice to know what we are averaging.


Though I understand, at least as far as Zwiftinsider has explained it, the effects weight, height and bike, have on the speed/power relationship, I agree with the idea that an average W/Kg on screen would be handy.
As the leader of a ride with a specified W/Kg band I have to use an alternate method to monitor my average.

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How do we vote?

This is my take on group ride leading (I also lead rides). It is not about your average w/kg but about always staying in the limits.

Lets say you lead a ride 1.5w/kg and 2w/kg and you weigh 75kg then you should keep your power between 112w and 150w depending on your FTP it will be Z1 (gray) or Z2(blue).

If you lead that ride and shoot off at 6w/kg for the first 5 minutes and then drop to 1.2w/kg, then after the ride your average w/kg will be with in range, but most riders will have had a bad experience because you dropped them in the first 5 minutes.

Looking at the average you can still drop riders by surging on climbs going over the limits and still have a good average.


Bang on Gerrie. My wife being a lighter and less powerful rider often has a challenge in the first 5-10 minutes of a group ride. Later on in the ride leaders often drop their output right down but many are cooked by then.

Perhaps JUST the leader has an avg showing on the right hand list which would keep them honest throughout as everyone could see it.

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Having average displayed will not stop a leader from sprinting he will just lower his output later in the ride to bring it back to within limits.

Leaders should learn to stick to the limits, the leader should never go above the the limit. Exceptions is mini races during the ride, but then the leaders should slow down a lot so that those that did not do well in the race can catch up.

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True, but with the average and current it will let you know that your ride plan is on track or off. Information at all types is good.

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I have done something similar, and the riders did not like the ride at all, and that surprised me. I think it was just to steady and naturally we all speed up a bit on the climbs and slow a bit on the downhill. So the comments was negative.

Not saying that it is not a good idea, it was just strange that it did not work for my group.

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Im going to try and work a TSS level based on w/kg this week. A little more steady state rather than up and down like sprints or HIITS. (Both superb but want to try something different)

Gerrie, I whole heartedly support your statement.
The group I lead has a stated band of 2.0 - 2.5 W/Kg. I state prior to and multiple times during the ride that I maintain my power in the stated band. I do everything I can to stay in band and not exceed the 2.5 on inclines (that is the place most riders either go otb or otf in our rides).
What I like about average is determining how I am doing over the course of the ride. I try to not play favorites between the ends of the band. (Okay, I am a bit of a focused person so I want to have an average power of 2.35 W/Kg over my 70 minute ride.)
In my experience with other ride leaders the WORST part of their surges and sprinting is the tendency it has to accordion the group. Having a yellow beacon go by at 2X the stated max power to sprint to the front and then drop behind you as you sprint to catch up is distressing. I typically leave rides like that.
If you ever get time ride with us on the Thursday Slowtwitch Hilly Vanilli. The D group has developed a cohesive bunch of regulars. We maintain steady pace but I look for any pointers.

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One other thing I find useful is I drop my trainer sensitivity when we are doing a hilly route.
Lower trainer sensitivity seems to reduce the fluctuations that happen on rolling hills.
Getting caught in a big gear at a hill, because I am typing, is a predicament.


Good idea