Average Power HUD vs Garmin headunit

Hi, I did a race in zwift and my average power showing in game in the hud was much higher than my Garmin unit. They were different power meters so I thought there was a difference in my numbers. I ran the zwift power analyser tool and average watts is pretty much spot on. There was about 8 watts difference in average power in game vs headunit

Interestingly Strava recorded it as 245 average power my Garmin unit stated 244. Zwift power showed 251 in the average power summary section but 244 for both in the analyser tool.

It seems my power meters are in sync but no idea why headline numbers are different in game / zwiftpower?

What about the warm up in the start pen? Average from start of recording, including warm up in the pen, to saving the ride on completion may not match the average recorded during the actual event, which would exclude the warm up effort.

Unless you don’t record the warm up. I do. It’s all adding to TSS, calories etc…

Hi, I didn’t start recording until the race started. In actual fact, I didn’t start the recording until the average power number came up in the HUD ie the line you cross in the race. If zwift was was recording warm up in the pen, then I would expect it to be lower. I can’t understand it!

then your missing the time from the start of the race to that point.

It’s possible if you have a higher power in one device it could be that the device is not counting the times when your power is zero. Some devices will exclude the time when your power is zero which can lead to a higher average power number.

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I don’t think that’s the case. Zwiftpower analyser has power spot on. Zwift power summary page is different. 251 Vs 244? :exploding_head:

Crop out the 0 Watts in dual at the end when your rider was stoping after the race

On ZP Results is the race avg until the banner and not after.