Since today, my avatar is bald and I can’t change her hair. Am I the only one?
Me too - No head hair, facial hair or shades - I’ve asked for some feedback-support.
agreed. I can’t change my character at all. I also put in for feedback support and created another discussion on the issue, so hopefully Zwift will notice. Until then, I guess I’m just going to have to be aerodynamic with my new shiny head.
It seems the new update gave us the aero look all over. Even my armpit hair has gone.
There is also a Tree in the middle of the road on Volcano Circuit.
Me too
Likewise. No facial hair and no goggles.
I had that problem too. Then I took off my helmet, and my beard and glasses showed back up. Put the helmet on, and they disappeared. Same with the hair. So either you get to be stylish or safe but not both.
Back to normal!
It’s back! or actually, It’s gone again!
Since yesterday I’m bald and beardless. Luckily, I can’t see underneath the Zwift shorts…
Yep John, somebody somewhere didn’t get the memo <sigh>
Similar issue here. I was able to resolve my removing my zwift headband (from running) and choosing the no helmet option, then choosing another hair or beard.
We’re working on fixing this issue now and appreciate the reports. In the meantime, as Greg mentioned, removing your helmet should let you restore your hairstyle.