It would be great it the avatar customization included a “male pattern baldness” look to go along with the many other available hairstyles. I realize the top of my head doesn’t show since I’m wearing a helmet for safety, but it would make the avatar more like me if I weren’t wearing one.
I’m not convinced of the merits of “for safety” in the context of Zwift.
As for the hairstyle, surely it’s entirely moot if you can’t see it. I know you say if you weren’t wearing a helmet, but you are.
I’d like a pink mohican.
Sorry that option is 2,000,000 drops in the store.
I know you can’t see it, but it feels like living a lie
+1, but I think there are more important issues for Zwift to fix now.
I use a Tacx Vortex. I’m the definition of living a lie!
I feel like a cheat when my avatar has a full a head of hair. Please make customisable bald patch! There are lots of us on Zwift
MAKE ME BALD!!! I can’t stand having a shaved head on my avatar.
I know, right?! Surely it could not be that complicated and I would guess far more men are bald than shave their heads. Not the biggest issue in the world but it would be more representative of reality.
I’ve seen a couple of posts going back a few years from fellow baldies asking about a bald avatar option, but no plans mentioned. I feel a bit of a fraud donning my wig every time I ride. Are we going to be allowed to ‘shine’ out amongst you hairy zwifters sometime soon? Surely it can’t only be bald legs out there?
Have you looked at the available ‘hair’ options? I thought there was one for bald, or at least close to it.
Yeah. That is definitely a sad approximation of ‘bald’.
I support this.
I helped a sixty-something-year-old man get onto Zwift recently and when he saw all the youthful-looking avatars with full heads of hair he actually said “none of these represent me”, which was a little sad. He still hasn’t completed his intro ride.
The current option of “I shaved off all my hair” isn’t the same as “I’ve lost some of my hair.”
Yes that Avatar is me and probably a lot of shiny headed males! Looks like my Action Man figure from childhood, just needs a cheek scar! It’s far from putting me off Zwift but it sounds like some people are very conscious of this omission and it’s a shame that their alienation puts them off participating.
+1 to all that. My short-cropped avatar is a spitting image of what I looked like, about 20 years ago. Now, not so much. I don’t care hugely, after all I rarely see the top of my head. But others may be confused or think I’m trying to kid myself
+1 and to steal you post → what is with more lets say „strong builded“ bodies.
I am a bald 98kg Rock (in the winter maybe up to 110kg) and In want my avatar to look like me and not like Frodeno.
I thought body shape was covered as I’ve seen some units on my Zwift travels!? Surely they must have a junior in their design dept that could get to work on expanding their shape and size options. Perhaps even some comedy versions. It would cheer me up on an intense training programe to see a pink dinosaur pedalling past!
There is in my opinion not even a section to choose a little aerodynamic belly or change body type.
In the garage theres only Hair, beards and head form.
I think the body form is maybe estimated by weight / gender?!?
My avatar looks definitely more sporty than I…