I recently changed my zwift system from an old PC with a RTX 2060 super to an Asus ROG Ally X.
When running in Ultra (1440p) on my TV I have noticed:
Some road surfaces have parallel dark lines. These change orientation as I turn and seem fixed in orientation to the world not the rider.
Objects like trees tend to stay in their low res fuzzy mode until they are quite close to the rider. Then swap to the detailed model with a dither effect at about halfway down the screen. This feels much closer than I am used to seeing, but the CPU/GPU are not maxed out?
The same issues appear in 4K mode. (Although frame rates are only 40 to 60 in that mode.)
This runs an AMD Ryzen Z1 Extreme. I have set the vram to 8gb and system ram to 16gb. if I run zwift in either turbo (30W) or performance (~19W) modes I see the same issue.
I tried to capture the lines in the image below. This is from my phone camera off a tv but you can see them about halfway down the screen.
Searching zwiftalizer.com shows a few reports about the Ryzen Z1 Extreme and they all show Basic graphics profile. AFAIK there are no PCs with integrated graphics that get a profile other than Basic.
I have no experience with your hardware but I would probably be experimenting with different video drivers (including the very latest supplied by AMD and Asus) to see if there is any change in behavior. You are probably among a very small user population on that hardware.
Alrighty I confirmed it was running basic profile. I was confused by the ultra 1440 option.
Plugging in my 2060 super in as an egpu on my ROG Ally X gives me ultra back.
The ryzen z1 extreme is far faster than my last cpu which really helps given how cpu bound the current zwift is. (It was starting to be too slow in crowds on my i7 laptop).
Seems excessive to add a 2060 super for zwift when the internal gpu meets/exceeds the specs of some other cards on the ultra list… Its unfortunate that zwift has such restrictive graphics options.
I get the impression from other threads that zwift is uniquely untrusting of giving it’s users the abilities to change graphic setting. I dont even see support for an obfuscated method using a config file…
Has anyone figured out where zwift reads the gpu from? I might try a registry tweaking wrapper script around the launcher…