To begin, I have already submitted my “Idea” to Garmin about requesting to add this support, I also opened another Topic in Garmin Forums requesting answer (there’re several topics there about the same request) and they replied the following:
Garmin answer:
"Thanks for reaching out.
There have been several threads on this topic since the first rollout of Zwift’s virtual shifting function. We are continuing to investigate bringing more compatibility and more features to Tacx trainers, and will share more details when available.
Some 3rd party apps can bridge smart trainer connections and allow virtual shifting support in Zwift. A true integration of Tacx hardware with Zwift software involves both parties, and it would be equally helpful for Tacx users to ask Zwift about expanding their virtual shifting support.
I appreciate your patience, I will be updating several threads regarding this feature request when more info is available."
I am user of Garmin TACX Neo 2T and Neo3M trainers which as most of cycling users know are by far the best indoor trainers in the market, that’s why I am not going to purchase wahoo or any other brand. Instead, I am kindly requesting to expand Virtual Shifting support to Garmin TACX trainers, we’re several users of this brand waiting for this feature to be supported, and personally I’ll purchase the Zwift Ride bike as soon as it is supported in my trainer. I have also contacted Zwift Support the other day and they said they were going to communicate this idea to the zwift BU, however they also advise to open a topic in Zwift Forums and here I am. As you can see, per Garmin’s answer there should be a collaboration in between Zwift and Garmin to make this happen.
Could you please comment on this request, I will really appreciate it.
Shuji at Zwift HQ here. We’ve been busy expanding the number of third party trainer brands compatible with Virtual Shifting It is true that these partnerships require considerable time and resources by both parties to bring to market. We ask for your patience while we continue that work with others whose trainers are not quite there yet.
Hi All Tacx users I am currently running a Neo 2t with virtual shifting on zwift. this is achieved via the QZ app. The developer of QZ, Roberto Viola is super helpful and patient and helped me set this up. So virtual shifting can be done
I don’t think we should be using 3rd party apps just because Zwift & Garmin don’t want to add support for Virtual Shifting, I rather wait for them to fully support it with an update. We’re Zwift subscribers and that’s at least what we deserve as customers and same thing with Garmin.
Hi Juan yes fully agree i would rather Garmin had responded “properly” to all of the users feedback requesting that they enable virtual shifting. Please note i am very willing to share all my entries onto Garmins forum requesting this feature. In the end the response that i got on the Garmin Forum from Garmin was to use a 3rd party app!!! So its great if Shuji from Zwift can sort this out for all Garmin/zwift users. In the mean time Roberto has done a great job with QZ to enable it. Best Wishes Jon
There have been several threads on this topic since the first rollout of Zwift’s virtual shifting function. We are continuing to investigate bringing more compatibility and more features to Tacx trainers, and will share more details when available.
Some 3rd party apps can bridge smart trainer connections and allow virtual shifting support in Zwift. A true integration of Tacx hardware with Zwift software involves both parties, and it would be equally helpful for Tacx users to ask Zwift about expanding their virtual shifting support.
I appreciate your patience, I will be updating several threads regarding this feature request when more info is available."
Find my topic in Neot2 Forums , subject: “Any plans to support Zwift Virtual shifting on Neo2T ???”
In parallel I have opened a ticket with Zwift Support this week also and they have told me that this request has been escalated with the Zwift Senior leadership, so I am doing what I can to have this solved for all of us. If you can also open ticket with Zwift Support and post in the garmin topics then it would contribute to have our voices be heard by these big companies.
Hi Juan. Okay that makes perfect sense, and sorry i did not realise you were having to leverage Zwift as well as Garmin! Yes i think it was Garmin Clayton who replied to me.
Right how do i open a Zwift Support Ticket. I will ask zwift to enable/expand there virtual shifting support.
Lets hope this gets enabled soon
Best Wishes Jon
I have just e-mail Zwift Customer support - requesting virtual shifting and that it requires both parties to work together. I hope this supports the cause Juan? Best Wishes Jon
I am sure that they will develope an update to allow virtual shifting when both Garmin and Zwift take a commercial view that they will sell more bikes and trainers if they make them compatible. I am waiting to buy a Zwift Ride until it is compatable with Garmin Neo 2t which is an awesome trianer. I have no desire to change to wahoo.