Zwift Companion isn't showing all events per Zwift Events site?

Anyone else struggling to see all events in the Companion App? I’ve reset filters but still cant see about 2 hours worth of events (mostly the Zwift tour ones). any help welcomed?

Hi Rich - have you tried the ZwiftHacks Events page? It has the best search engine for all Zwift events and if you click the event you’re interested in, the drop down menu will have a link to the zwift events page and you can join there.


I just noticed this today. Not all events show up. It’s not a certain time frame, but today some rides between 1 - 130 EST were missing. I had never noticed this before. I like to see selected route, mileage and elevation which is why I use both when selecting my rides.

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Have you unticked any of the filters? It might be that you’ve hidden group rides, or races for example.

I did have fondos and crits not checked. I reset filters. I’ll compare results tomorrow.
Thank you for responding.

Jeannette S.

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