XP for elevation gained

The one who is climbing gets Drops at a Higher though. Zwift will not allow you get XP at the same rate (as you suggest) and Drops at a higher rate while climbing.

This has been discussed many times over the years.

Another reason why it’d be good/fun/interesting/terrible to allow Zwifters to convert XP into Drops. Or Drops into XP. Come up with an exchange rate and charge us 5% as a handling fee. :blush:

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For sure Drops and XP should be awarded at the same rate. Work harder get more XP and Drops. The way XPs are currently set up, minimal effort is rewarded, hard and honest effort is not. I get it. This is the way of the world where everyone gets a trophy, even those that don’t deserve one.
Just my humble opinion, and I am perfectly happy letting the Flatlanders level up at a significantly higher rate than those that prefer to climb.